Engineering and Management of Complex Industrial Systems 5th year specialization curriculumIMSIC

The digital, energy and ecological transition marks our work society and impacts our lifestyles as the emergence of new forms of organization and the convergence towards platform strategies and work on demand. Beyond the perceived changes at the individual level, digital innovation and revolution, the circular economy and sustainable development are changing sociotechnical systems, business models, collective structures and communities. Capturing these issues has become essential for future industrial system engineers.
In compliance with the requirements, standards, safety and environmental, economic and societal factors, the objective of this specialization curriculum is to acquire knowledge and skills to invent, (re) design and manage today's and tomorrow projects and systems that can be organizations, products, operating and business processes, supply chains, smart objects, information systems, decision and operating systems.
- Skills and knowledge in project management, production management and logistics.
- Basic skills and knowledge in organization management, information technologies and software.
- (Re) design the business processes.
- (Eco-) design and manage an industrial development project.
- Implement the performance and lean.
- To be able to (re) design production workshops.
- Control the supply chain.
- Improve the information system.
- Develop digital and innovative systems.
- Plan and manage projects and businesses.
- Integrate a team, conform the context and the associated environment.
- Know how to adapt, exchange and collaborate.
The courses are organized according to 5 UEs in the first semester: Complex Systems and Projects, Digital Factory, Advanced Logistics Chain, Entrepreneurship, Engineering Basics. The course deepens the concepts, methods and engineering tools for design, continuous improvement (lean), management, steering and decision support about processes, projects, technologies and systems.
In an increasingly demanding industrial environment, this minor makes possible to go further into complex projects, to manage socio-technical systems and to design innovative solutions. It offers courses taught by industrialists and academics promoting adaptation, openness and teamwork. The various courses rely on a dynamic and active pedagogy (learning by doing, assessment and progress in workgroup, learning by problem and project, serious game, call for bids...). The students use two market-leader software packages in project management (Planisware) and enterprise resource planning (SAP).
Industrial contributors
Eleven professionals from industry are involved in the IMSIC program. They complete the learning provided by academic teachers. They give a strategic vision, a feedback and practical knowledge in relation with current industrial projects.
The companies of these professionals are:
CGI, ATOM-SOLUTIONS, ALTRAN, Sigfox, Airbus, Inddigo, Thalès, Alten, Report One.
Activity sectors
- Manufacturing industries
- Aeronautical, defence and space industries
- Automotive industries
- Chemical industries
- Oil industry
- Equipment manufacturing
- Production and distribution of utilities and energy
- Civil engineering
- Transports, mobility and communications
- Banks and insurance
- Numerical services
- Consulting
- Software editors