Toulouse INP-ENSIACET: the Toulouse Graduate School of Chemical, Materials, and Industrial Engineering

Inaugurated in 2001 after the merge of two prestigious higher education establishments, Toulouse INP-ENSIACET (A7) is a graduate engineering school which gathers the whole range of specialties in the field of chemical, materials, and industrial engineering. On one campus, 1000 engineering students and PhD candidates - 200 of which are participating in a work-study program in industry - and the 450-strong permanent staff in research centers ensure this continuum of vocations and expertise.
An unique structure in Europe
The name “chemical and technological arts” sums up a transversal vision of the logistical chain of transformation of matter and energy. This innovative approach enables ENSIACET engineers to master the process as a whole, from the conception of the molecule right up to the industrial production line.
Toulouse INP-ENSIACET is a unique hub in Europe in terms of training, research and innovation both by its sheer scale and its coherence and synergy between the scientific fields. Each year, close to 300 graduate engineers from A7 and 50 doctors trained in research centers provide solutions to technological demands, through interdisciplinarity, cater to societal challenges and dynamics of industry and research centers within the given field, which in turn contributes further to the school’s reputation.
Teaching and striving for excellence in chemical and technological arts (A7)
Five majors to establish scientific basics
The vocation of the graduate engineering school is to train engineers with a high scientific and technical level who are eager to thrive in their career in the field of Chemical, materials, and industrial engineering and related services.
A7 awards five majors engineering degrees in engineering in chemistry, engineering materials, chemical engineering, process engineering and industrial engineering which cover three levels:
Discovering, imagining materials, products and future energy |
Designing, mastering, optimizing and controlling processes and fabrication units |
Managing and organizing innovation, industry and its processes |
Five 5th year specialization domains
Through analyzing the professions linked to the specialties we offered it led to us setting up our five 5th year specialization domains in 2017 backed by the research expertise of the research centers and open to students from the 5 majors to encourage interaction between the scientific fields.
Toulouse INP-ENSIACET is a state engineering graduate school with a three-year degree curriculum, overseen by the Ministry of higher education, research and innovation.
Toulouse INP-ENSIACET is one of three founding graduate schools part ofl’Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse.
Diplomas are accredited by the CTI (French Engineering Education Commission) and EUR-ACE® (European Accreditation for Engineering).
Four research centers and two CRITT
There are four research centers (CIRIMAT, LCA, LCC, LGC) and two Centers for innovation and technology transfer (CRITT CATAR, CRITT Processes engineering) which complement teaching activities.
Identity Card
- Name: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs en Arts Chimiques Et Technologiques (ENSIACET)
- Founding Date: 1st of January 2001 - descending from the merging of the École Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieur de Génie Chimique (ENSIGC [ex IGC]) and the École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Toulouse (ENSCT)
- Management: Laurent Prat (Dean), Xuan-Mi Meyer (Vice-Dean)
- Status: public body with scientific, cultural and professional functions
- Tutelage: Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
- Component: Toulouse INP-ENSIACET is one of the components of the Institut NationaI Polytechnique de Toulouse
- Missions:
- to deliver a specialized syllabus and a permanent training
- to train engineers and qualified graduates in research through research
- to develop fundamental and applied research activities based on societal needs, whether on its own initiative or via both state or private bodies, both French and foreign
- to participate in the scientific and technological development policy, recognized as a national priority and acknowledged by the larger national institutes for research
- to insure the dissemination, transfer and acknowledgement of research results, so as to allow for stronger ties with the state and private economic sectors
- to participate in the international cooperation's effort for education and research
- Staff: a permanent staff of 350 people including 110 BIATSS et 250 people dedicated to training and reasearch
- Location: Toulouse-Labège campus of Toulouse INP
Key Figures
- Education
- Rank A state school (specific engineering schools rank system)
- In the Top 35 of engineering schools (various rankings)
- Over 1000 students (including 900 engineering students)
- About 300 graduate engineers every year
- 110 researcher-teachers
- Research
- 150 PhD students per year
- Over 30 theses defended every year
- Participation in 5 doctoral schools
- 4 partner research centers
- 2 centres for technological transfer (CRITT)
- International
- Over 130 exchange agreements (20 involving double-diplomas) with universities in 38 countries
- 20% of foreign students (spread out in every single course)
- 100% of students complete the minimum of 3 months of mobility
- Industry
- Over 250 partner companies
- Over 6 000 active alumni
- School
- Staff: 350 people
- Budget: 26,2 million euros
- Campus
- a 21 hectar park, including a lake, a "Green", sports fields and 2 gymnasiums
- a 26 000 m² building in Toulouse
- 1 university cafeteria
- Over 10 student halls close by