Engineering of sustainable development 5th year specialization curriculumI3D

The specialization curriculum in sustainable development was created with the aim of meeting the market demands and dealing with current social and industrial issues in an holistic and complex approach. Its syllabus clearly instils tools and methods adapted to conduct interdisciplinary projects which encompass issues related to the current environment, ecological, energy and societal transition. The teaching and pedagogy is voluntary innovative as its aims at breaking the usual teacher / student speech and at initiating in the applicants a thinking about their learning.
Entry requirements
No specific competence is required to apply for this specialization curriculum.
- To become an active engineer fitted to handle interdisciplinary projects ;
- To implement a systemic approach with appropriate tools and methods in the solving of technical issues being aware of social, environmental and economic issues ;
- To be an actor of the ecological transition.
Course contents
- 22%: Project management in a holistic way encompassing the three pillars of sustainable growth: society, economics and environment;
- 20%: Edgar Morin’s complex thought paradigm, epistemology, thermodynamics of self-organised critical systems;
- 34%: Holistic tools and methods for modelling, project management;
- 24%: Humanities, innovation and creativity.
- Sustainable engineering
Testimony (in French)