Industrial relations at Toulouse INP-ENSIACETStrong connections with companies

Toulouse INP-ENSIACET is heavily involved in the local and the national economic fabrics. The graduate engineering school network comprises over 6 000 engineers, an active alumni association (AIA7) and about 200 partnerships. Industrial partnerships are a key element of the school's educational and research policy. All along the school year, meetings, projects and activities are organised with companies, concurrently with the engineering curriculum of the students (internships, job interviews, meetings, fairs, sponsorship, projects...).
Moreover, the courses offered at Toulouse INP-ENSIACET and the scientific common core include a "management, economy and CSR" part. This allows the ENSIACET engineers to work within a large range of jobs and functions within the fields of matter and energy transformation.
Strong connections
Toulouse INP-ENSIACET established close ties with:
- companies from different sectors (chemical industry, metalworking industry, energy, materials…),
- major international groups,
- SMEs, SMIs, micro-enterprises, businesses,
- Toulouse area enterprises,
- ...
The strong partnerships between the school and the industrial world is one of the strengths of Toulouse INP-ENSIACET.
A vital involvement
The involvement of the industrial world appears in various approaches:
- specialised presentations during courses,
- the participation in the school's life and actions set up such as the Employment fair or the Final projects fair,
- the attendance in the governance of the graduate school,
- the establishment of innovative research and development projects through collaborations with the research centers associated with Toulouse INP-ENSIACET or the CRITTs,
- the involvement in continuing education actions,
- the professional integration through the recruitment of ENSIACET engineers.
Submit your job offers
Companies and research centers, would you like to send our students a job or an internship offer?
You can submit your job and internship offers online, on our dedicated platform: JobTeaser