Students with Limited Mobility


Toulouse INP-ENSIACET and INP Toulouse are committed to helping out with the insertion and success of students with limited mobility or any kind of disability, and offer them special arrangements.


  • timetable arrangements
  • personnal assistance (pedagogical support or tutoring, moving heavy weights around, systematic accompanying during trips to the school or the cafeteria)
  • arrangement for exams (extra time, a secretary for writing, breaks, pedagogical support, PC use, use of spell-checkers)
  • other forms of assistance (free photocopies of all lessons and school documents, use of specific equipment adapted to helping the student learn)

Useful links

  • Handi-U: The website of the Ministry for Higher Education dedicated to disabled students where you'll find information concerning reception services and official information.
  • Ministère du travail: Information concerning associations, MDPHs, legislative texts etc...
  • Agefiph: Job offers for disabled students.
  • GIRPEH: Resource centre for disabled people.
  • Onisep: Information concerning jobs, employment, training...
  • : Information concerning disabilities and autonomy.
  • Portailhandicap : All kind of information regarding disabilities.
  • Information about jobs and recruitment.
  • ERASMUS+: Erasmus + helps people with disabilities.

Contact Toulouse INP-ENSIACET

L'école de la transformation de la matière et de l'énergie

4, allée Emile Monso - CS 44362
31030 TOULOUSE Cedex 4, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 33 00
