Professional integration support

Toulouse INP-ENSIACET's students' academic training is backed up by many industrial meetings that help them achieve their professional project. Students are followed-up by a mentor (who can be a teacher, a researcher or an industrial partner). This mentor helps them specify their projects. Many meetings with companies punctuate the curriculum of the students during the three years they spend at the school. These key moments help them broaden their reflection on professions, and professional and issues.
The objectives of the professional integration support are for students to:
- get information,
- discover professions and their associates functions,
- plan a future career,
- meet industrial companies,
- understand social issues.
The "projet professionnel" passport Personalized support

As soon as they begin their curriculum, the Toulouse INP-ENSIACET students are followed-up by a mentor that assist them until they leave the school in order to help them building and achieving a personal professional project. This tailored help increases their employment opportunities when they graduate.
Mentors are usually part of the teaching staff. They are usually academics, but can also be alumni, be from the management of the school, or industrial partners.
An observation: ignorance of the job prospects
The candidates for the competitive examination, the students who are accepted and the students admitted because of their certified qualifications have some idea of the school and its prospects. On the contrary, they usually don’t know the reality of the engineering professions prepared at Toulouse INP-ENSIACET, neither the reality of the industrial sectors nor enterprises they can integrate when they graduate.
In particular, they don’t have a broad vision of the possible jobs and functions their graduate engineering degree enables them to have. They often don’t have a sufficiently backed up personal project to guide them through the organization of their curriculum and their academic career.
The role of the mentor
The students have to choose their mentor in the first 3 months of their schooling. The mentor supports his student and promotes his independence all through his schooling, from the first to the last year of study.
During their interviews with the student, the mentor fosters the personal reflexion of the student to produce a professional project. He does not decide in place of the student who always has the final say.
The student sees their mentor at least once per semester for all academic sequence where there is a choice to be made (specialization domains and curriculums, internships…).
The whole mentoring plan, the construction of the curriculum vitae, the assets give rise to 2 courses and 4 tutorials during the 1st month of the 1st year.
Employment Fair
The Toulouse INP-ENSIACET Employment fair is a special day dedicated to the school's engineering students. It encourages the students to exchange with professionals and school alumni working in the matter transformation and energy sectors of activity. Read more
Final projects fair
Each year, Toulouse INP-ENSIACET organises its students' placements' presentation in the shape of a forum. Over one week, this forum gathers the students, their placement supervisors and their teachers. Read more
Research fair
The Research fair aims to highlight the many connections between research and education in Toulouse INP-ENSIACET, and to give first-year students information about the research activities in the school. Read more
The "projet professionnel" passport
As soon as they begin their curriculum, the Toulouse INP-ENSIACET students are followed-up by a mentor that assist them until they leave the school in order to help them building and achieving a personal professional project. Read more